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Selecting Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Materials: Suggestions for Service Providers. ERIC Digest
The population of the United States is growing more culturally diverse each year, and this diversity is clearly evident among families with young children; however, individuals who work in early childhood programs are not as diverse as those they serve. Moreover, many early childhood professionals have little preparation for working with families from a wide range of cultures and linguistic backgrounds.
Storytelling for Young Children in a Multicultural World
Advocates storytelling as a powerful resource to promote an understanding of racial and ethnic diversity. Addresses issues of selection criteria including elements of character development, prejudice reduction, authority and authorship, and language.
Supporting Multicultural Awareness at Learning Centers
Suggests that through the integration of positive multicultural experiences and materials into common classroom activities, teachers can help ensure an understanding of these concepts and enrich children's experiences with diverse populations and subjects. (SW).