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Mathematics Curriculum
"The Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing in the World" by Claudia Zaslavsky. Book Review
Argues for the place of mathematical literacy in a just society, and examines the value of the reform movement in mathematics education toward multiculturalism and whole language from the experience of a fifth-grade teacher of mathematics. Critically examines classroom activities suggested by Zaslavsky's book in terms of appropriateness for achieving the goals of a multicultural curriculum.
A Convergence of Transformative Multicultural and Mathematics Instruction? Dilemmas of Group Deliberations for Curriculum Change
Reports on efforts to produce a multicultural mathematics curriculum for grades K-6 that was socially transformative. Describes the perplexity of issues related to the definition of multicultural and mathematics curricula for social transformation, the complexities of group deliberation, and the demands involved in the teacher-research process.
Integrating Multicultural Activities across the Mathematics Curriculum
Integrating multicultural activities into mathematics instruction at all grade levels helps to foster appropriate and desirable attitudes about mathematics and its role in our culture. Multicultural investigations in mathematics reveal that many practices common to today's classrooms (such as reasonable guessing) served as the basis for solving various types of problems many centuries ago.
Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing In the World
Teachers realize that students are most motivated when they are actively involved in their own learning and dealing with the issues of greatest concern to themselves and their communities. The first three chapters of this book present a rationale for multicultural mathematics education, including an overview of issues, features of a multicultural mathematics curriculum, and connections between mathematics and literature.