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Mass Media
From Racial Stereotyping and Deficit Discourse toward a Critical Race Theory in Teacher Education
Examines connections between critical race theory (CRT) and its application to the concepts of race, racial bias, and racial stereotyping in teacher education. Defines CRT, then discusses racism and stereotyping, racial stereotypes in the media, and racial stereotypes in professional environments, noting the effects on minority students.
Fugitive Cultures: Race, Violence, and Youth
This book examines the racist and sexist assault on today's youth which is being played out in the realms of popular and children's culture. The book interrogates the aesthetic of violence in a number of public arenas--talk radio, Disney animation, and in such films as "Pulp Fiction," "Kids," "Slackers," and "Juice,"--and challenges cultural workers and other progressives to help reverse the attack on those who are most powerless in American society, children and adolescents.
Handbook of Children and the Media
This handbook analyzes effects on children of traditional media, such as television, film, and advertising; and new media, such as the Internet and video games.
Integrating Active Learning, Critical Thinking and Multicultural Education in Teaching Media Ethics across the Curriculum
This paper presents four teaching strategies, grounded in pedagogical theory, to encourage an active, challenging, creative, and meaningful experience for journalism and mass communication students grappling with moral issues, and developing higher order thinking in ethical decision-making processes. Strategies emphasizing critical thinking and diversity awareness have shown success in lower-division media and society classes.
Learning to Create Ad Strategies for "Different" Target Audiences
Describes a focus group exercise used with advertising creative- and strategy-development students that was designed to cultivate awareness of the ethnic consumers' purchase-decision process. Offers an overview of the project's stages, describes the assignment, and notes that members of the original-product focus group also reviewed students' creative solutions and provided feedback.
Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
Multiple literacies are needed to meet the challenges of today's new technologies and multicultural society. Media literacy is necessary because media culture strongly influences people's world view.