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Low Income Groups
Directory of TRIO Programs, 2000-2001.
The institutions and agencies in this directory sponsor federally funded TRIO programs that enable students from low-income families to enter college and graduate. The TRIO programs (originally only a "trio" of programs) include Talent Search, Student Support Services, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math and Science, Veterans Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Centers, and the Ronald E.
Directory of TRIO Programs, 2000-2001.
The institutions and agencies in this directory sponsor federally funded TRIO programs that enable students from low-income families to enter college and graduate.
Empowering the Poor through Early Childhood Education
Meeting children's needs for early childhood education is one of eight strategies identified by the Food and Agricultural Organization as necessary for the eradication of poverty. Explores how early childhood education might be funded in developing nations.
Teaching in Dangerous Times: Culturally Relevant Approaches to Teacher Assessment
Explores some aspects of the debate surrounding teacher assessment and raises questions about what is missing in so-called authentic assessments of teachers. Some proposed assessments may actually reinscribe narrow teaching practices that do not serve children of color and children living in poverty well.
The Academic Achievement of Minority Students: Perspectives, Practices, and Prescriptions
This book presents a collection of papers by educators and researchers who discuss various methods of improving minority student achievement.
The Effects of Special Training and Field Experiences upon Preservice Teachers' Level of Comfort with Multicultural Music Teaching Situations
This paper reports on a study examining preservice teachers' level of comfort in working with students and colleagues of a different race, and exploring the effects of special training and field experience on their level of comfort with multicultural situations. The study involved 55 predominantly white preservice teachers enrolled in 2 different sections of an undergraduate music and related arts methods course at a large southeastern university.
The Effects of Special Training and Field Experiences upon Preservice Teachers' Level of Comfort with Multicultural Music Teaching Situations
This paper reports on a study examining preservice teachers' level of comfort in working with students and colleagues of a different race, and exploring the effects of special training and field experience on their level of comfort with multicultural situations. The study involved 55 predominantly white preservice teachers enrolled in 2 different sections of an undergraduate music and related arts methods course at a large southeastern university.