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Interprofessional Relationship
Bicultural Team Teaching: Experiences from an Emerging Business School
A new graduate business course in Vietnam team taught by American and Vietnamese instructors illustrates issues in bicultural team teaching, including team formation, sharing workloads in and out of class, and evaluation/grading. The process made the class more relevant, exposed students to multiple perspectives, and helped participants appreciate their own and other cultures.
Mentoring: Creating Connected, Empowered Relationships
This book is an effort to explore the ways in which mentoring and counseling are related and can be applied to one another. To meet the needs of a diverse audience, the authors present the advantages of initiating mentoring relationships with people of different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds.
Mentoring: Creating Connected, Empowered Relationships
This book is an effort to explore the ways in which mentoring and counseling are related and can be applied to one another. To meet the needs of a diverse audience, the authors present the advantages of initiating mentoring relationships with people of different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds.
Mentorships: Transferable Transactions among Teachers
As dispensers of information, mentors can support teachers through career stages from recruitment to retirement. This article explores mentorships as transferable transactions.
Urban Bilingual Teachers and Mentoring for the Future
Reviews the literature on mentoring teachers, focusing on bilingual and bicultural education and emphasizing issues relevant in urban settings. An interactive model of mentoring is proposed in which bilingual teachers, whether mentors or new teachers, can share perspectives sorely needed in this age of increasing cultural diversity.