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International Programs
Building an International Student Teaching Program: A California/Mexico Experience
This paper describes the first year of an international student teaching project conducted in Mexicali, Mexico, which was successful in helping U.S. participants develop cultural understanding and critical teaching skills needed to work with English learners.
Building an International Student Teaching Program: A California/Mexico Experience
This paper describes the first year of an international student teaching project conducted in Mexicali, Mexico, which was successful in helping U.S. participants develop cultural understanding and critical teaching skills needed to work with English learners.
Coast Community College District: A Five Year Strategic Plan. Exemplary International Programs
This document outlines a strategic plan to achieve the central goal of promoting a global consciousness in the Coast Community College District (California) that.
Coast Community College District: A Five Year Strategic Plan. Exemplary International Programs
This document outlines a strategic plan to achieve the central goal of promoting a global consciousness in the Coast Community College District (California) that. Central objectives of the plan are as follows: (1) to develop an educational environment which encourages college faculty, staff, and students to attain the global competence necessary for understanding and communicating with other cultures at all levels; and (2) to develop and promote activities that include, but are not limited to, internationalizing the curriculum, international exchanges and collaboration, programs and events to enhance global consciousness on the campus and in the community.
Collaborative Kenyan and American Approach to Study Abroad Orientation
To prepare 21 study-abroad students for a trip to Kenya, Iowa State University's Study Abroad Center, in conjunction with Kenyatta University, developed an orientation-program model focused on academic development, multicultural development, and cultural assimilation. Sessions covered informational resources, orientation, study-abroad courses, and program evaluation.
Meet the Culture Assistants
Describes the Japanese Language and Culture Assistants Program, which sent over 100 Japanese volunteers to teach Japanese language and culture in U.S. schools.
Report on the International Training Course for Roma/Gypsy Youth Leaders. European Youth Center of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2-14 March 1999.
Activities on behalf of Roma/Gypsies have always been an important part of the Council of Europe's minority protection policy. The topics discussed are how more training opportunities can be provided for young Roma people and other ways to support and promote their participation in society.
Where in the World Do You Want to Go? Professional Development through International Fellowships
Discusses benefits and conditions of international travel fellowships for educators, particularly their ability to expand knowledge of other cultures, and the requirement to share travel experiences with local communities. Offers information about five sponsoring organizations that provide international fellowships for teachers.