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Intercultural Programs
"I Wish I Could Have Been There Dancing with You": Linking Diverse Communities through Social Studies and Literature
Profiles the Indiana Exchange Project, an endeavor that uses technology to link fourth-grade teachers and students from three geographically and ethnically diverse communities. The students exchange letters, photographs, response journals, local newspapers, and videotapes of classroom and community activities.
Creating a Campus Climate in Which Diversity Is Truly Valued
Highlights the development and implementation of a multifaceted program at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts. The program, which includes curriculum changes, new student organizations, international student fellowships, and orientation activities, was designed to create a more inclusive campus environment.
Developing Intercultural Communication and Understanding through Social Studies in Israel
Discusses the problems related to cultural pluralism, differences among the groups living in Israel, and social studies education within Israel. Focuses on the sociology curriculum, offering a rationale, description, and information about intercultural education.
Enhancing Multicultural Relations: Intervention Strategies for the School Counselor
Inquiries were sent to guidance directors of more than 100 school districts in suburban New York concerning initiatives being taken to enhance multicultural relations in the school. Strategies were then incorporated into a proposed four-phase framework for implementing a comprehensive multicultural relations initiative in school.
Mental Health Counselors as Consultants for Diversity Training
Argues that mental health counselors need to devote more attention to minority group issues. In light of a society that is rapidly becoming even more diverse in its make-up, a rationale and specific techniques enabling a mental health counselor to serve in the capacity of a consultant are presented.
Multicultural Training for Undergraduates: Developing Knowledge and Awareness
Determined whether training undergraduates (N=58) in multicultural issues improves awareness of their own cultural assumptions, values, and biases, along with their knowledge of other world views and cultural assumptions. Results indicate that undergraduates who completed a multicultural course reported increased multicultural awareness.
The Chula/Fish Creek Connection
Describes a social studies cultural exchange program between a public school and a Canadian native school in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Outlines how the students became mutual inquirers into one another's cultures.