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Arts Education as a Catalyst to Diverse Approaches to Multicultural Education
This paper advocates music and other arts as offering a unique course to both the celebration of cultural diversity and the pursuit for those human, unifying factors that may keep society together. Sections of the paper include an introduction, a historical perspective on the value of the arts and humanity, and a conclusion related to how equity and access for all students can be gained through arts education.
Community College Humanities Review, 1999
This special issue of the Community College Humanities Review contains articles generated by National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institutes, held over several years. The institutes provided opportunities for academics from a variety of humanities disciplines and types of institutions to interact over an extended period of common study of topics associated with the encounters of European and indigenous cultures in the New World.
Community College Humanities Review, 1999
This special issue of the Community College Humanities Review contains articles generated by National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institutes, held over several years.
From Metaphoric Landscapes to Social Reform: A Case for Holistic Curricula
Discusses two related dilemmas: (1) the tension between the Western view of historical progress and the realities of modern society; and (2) the tension between old and new approaches to teaching and learning about the arts. Argues that the end result of implementing the Goals 2000 program might diminish the teaching of the arts as discrete subjects.
Imagine...Opportunities and Resources for Academically Talented Youth, 1994-1995
This document consists of the five consecutive issues of the journal "Imagine..." published during volume year 2.
Integrating the Arts: Renaissance and Reformation in Arts Education
Asserts that the general educational curriculum tends to be fragmented and compartmentalized and that this situation would be improved by curriculum integration. Argues that an interdisciplinary arts approach would require new teacher attitudes and instructional strategies.
International Education: Another View of Distance Learning
This paper argues that diversity and flexibility have been the cornerstones of the community college over the last three or four decades. Of recent interest has been the change in the student profile from that of the recent local high school graduate to the returning student, as well as a mix of international students.