Helping Students Learn to Get Along: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Multicultural Developmental Guidance Project
Tested the effectiveness of a framework that linked developmental and multicultural counseling theories for use among elementary-school-age students (n=117). Designed to help students develop a variety of social and interpersonal skills that would increase their ability to resolve conflicts resulting from negative prejudices, the intervention was successful.
Multicultural Conflict Resolution: Development, Implementation and Assessment of a Program for Third Graders
Presents an intervention that outlines the formulation, implementation, and assessment of one counselor's attempt to increase student skills in the area of conflict resolution through a 6-week, curriculum-based, conflict resolution program for third-graders. Program evaluation indicates that it was successful in challenging students' conceptualization of conflict, shifting their associations with the word from negative to positive.
Using One of the "Standards for the English Language Arts" To Foster a Positive Relationship between Culture and Literacy
Argues that integrating the arts in culture and literacy can help children become proficient users of language and be accepting and empathetic toward others, as advocated in standard nine of the "Standards for the English Language Arts." Describes two ways the author integrated the arts into a language arts unit on Japan, dealing with storytelling/mask making and poetry/illustration. (SR).