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General Education
Bunker Hill Community College: A Common Experience for Lifelong Learning
Describes the design, implementation, and assessment of the general education program at Bunker Hill Community College, in Boston, Massachusetts. Indicates that the program is designed to serve as an academic commons where students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds can come together and share common intellectual experiences.
Conflict in Multiculturalism Classes: Too Much Heat or Too Little?
The issues that arise in a college course on multiculturalism can touch students very personally and may be a first opportunity for many students to talk face-to-face about important social issues. Anticipating when students may become defensive, angry, hurt, or when conflict might erupt will help faculty know when to lower or raise the temperature in the classroom.
Miami-Dade Community College: Applications at the Wolfson Campus
Reviews the Miami-Dade Community College (MDCC) general education program, focusing on the program's specific applications at MDCC's Wolfson Campus. Indicates that general education at the Campus involves education in environmental issues, social studies, humanities, multicultural awareness, the cultivation of individual responsibility, and thinking skills.
New Dimensions of the Community College Curriculum. Final Paper
This paper discusses general education (GE) programs and compares course requirements at community colleges in the United States. Through a review of the literature, the author presents the rationale for three types of GE programs: (1) core curricula, the most prescribed type of GE, practiced only by 5% of four-year institutions; (2) distributional requirement systems, which account for more than 90% of GE programs; and (3) the free elective program, the least prescriptive form of GE.
Restructuring the General Studies Program at a Public Urban University: Assessment, Evaluation, and Implementation. AIR 2000 Annual Forum Paper
This study presents a process used to assess the general education component of the undergraduate curriculum, focusing particularly on the components of the methodology that provided the data used to suggesting changes in the program. The study was undertaken at an urban institution with an undergraduate population of 6,000, and involved analysis of graduates' transcripts to examine course sequence and compliance with university policy on course sequence enrollment, analysis of syllabi, a course audit questionnaire set to faculty, development of an academic profile of students, and a survey of faculty and staff.
Taking the Common Ground: Beyond Cultural Identity
Discusses how, after 30 years of liberal education's focus on examining and celebrating diversity, the realities of contemporary social and civil life and global politics are prompting new interest in recognizing and affirming our genuine commonality. (EV).
Trends in Community College Curriculum. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 108. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
This issue of "New Directions for Community Colleges" focuses on the community college curriculum. The articles are based on a study of the college catalogs and course schedules from 164 colleges.