



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Counsellor Education for Diversity: Where Do We Go from Here?
Examines current perspectives in counselor education for diversity. Addresses issues regarding ethnocentrism in counselor education programs, practice, research, and the evaluation of multicultural competencies.
Ethnocentrism and Black Students with Disabilities: Bridging the Cultural Gap, Volume I
This book investigates the educational methods, achievements, and teacher expectations among black and white students with disabilities. It finds that poverty, racism, cultural differences between blacks and whites, and inferior socioeconomic conditions are the main causal factors that result in black children being "labeled" as exceptional and placed in special education classes at an alarmingly disproportionate rate.
Issues of Discrimination in European Education Systems
Examines difficulties and complexities in researching issues of discrimination in education across European countries as a first step in devising intercultural curricula. Discusses cross-national differences in terminology, in the ways in which research issues related to racism and interculturalism are formulated, and in the educational experience of children of immigrant and ex-colonial groups.
Leaders of Color as Catalysts for Community Building in a Multicultural Society
Presents a vision of multicultural education as a validating and inclusive process for non-European ways of knowing. Classifies multicultural education as inclusionary, emancipatory, liberatory, critical, and transformative.
Multiculturally Challenged
Voices the lament and the anger of a lone black teacher in an all-white school district in Wyoming trying to teach the "other" while simultaneously representing the "other." (SR).
Preparing Anglos for the Challenges and Joys of Multiculturalism
Discusses the multicultural training process with Anglo trainees as it relates to supportively assisting Anglos with the difficult task of confronting White racism, teaching Anglos to respond empathetically to challenges from ethnic-minority colleagues and clients, and introducing Anglos to the joys inherent in multicultural counseling. (RJM).
Reducing Education Students' Ethnocentrism: Difficulties and Possible Solutions
Many universities promote cultural awareness by directly teaching sensitivity toward cultural diversity. Because students tend to be somewhat ethnocentric, which is not consonant with the display of culturally tolerant attitudes, multicultural education can help them acquire more tolerant attitudes.
Rethinking Multicultural Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education
Urges a broader definition of the term "multicultural counseling," and explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. Briefly reviews the current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling, and offers suggestions for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors.
Thai Exchange Students' Encounters with Ethnocentrism: Developing a Response for the Secondary Global Education Curriculum
Reports that previous research showed that many individuals are ethnocentric and lack global awareness. Provides an overview of theories related to ethnocentrism; presents data illustrating attitudes experienced by Thai exchange students in the United States; and introduces a pedagogical approach to global education that minimizes ethnocentrism and enhances global awareness.
Unpacking Adventure
Anecdotes are used to illustrate how White, male, European values are embedded in adventure education. Traditional European assumptions about risk, challenge, and individual accomplishment may not be relevant to other cultures, women, or disadvantaged people.