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Ethnic Bias
"Dangerous Indians": Evaluating the Depiction of Native Americans in Selected Trade Books
A study examined 20 trade books (1964-1997) to evaluate their accuracy in depicting Native American peoples and cultures. The criteria embodied an authenticity guideline based upon the "Five Great Values": (1) generosity and sharing; (2) respect for elders and women; (3) getting along with nature; (4) individual freedom and leadership; and (5) courage.
Addressing Diversity in Special Education Research. ERIC/OSEP Digest
This digest reviews scientific and methodological problems in special education research related to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
Confessions of a Latina Author
Draws from the author's personal experiences to critique the myths and stereotypes which surround the publication of children's books by Latinos. Challenges educators, authors, and publishers to cross borders through literature, and to become effective advocates for Latino children's literature in order to enrich the literary experiences and traditions available to all children.
Ethnicity and special education research: Identifying questions and methods.
Part of a special issue on emerging trends and issues in research for the education and treatment of children with behavioral disorders. The overrepresentation of African-American students in special education and particularly with serious emotional disturbance (SED) or mild mental retardation has been documented by considerable research.
L'enseignement de la diversite culturelle, c'est une responsabilite collective (The Teaching of Cultural Pluralism, a Collective Responsibility)
Following September 11, some students in a computer-assisted journalism lab in Canada made disgraceful comments based on ignorance and misinformation regarding the school's Arabic-speaking members. However, a few articles and two news reports helped change the atmosphere as students began to recognize the individuals within stereotyped groups.
Seeking Ethnocultural Equity through Teacher Education: Reforming University Preservice Programs
Argues that Canadian schools of education must address social justice issues of ethnicity, culture, and racism; model equitable practices in teacher education programs; and promote equity for all students in public schools. Reviews current debate on multicultural and antiracist education, challenges in pursuing equity in education, and promising preservice programs providing specific direction for reform.
Telling Stories: On Ethnicity, Exclusion, and Education in Upstate New York
Public debate between Euro-American seniors and minority speakers on the educational needs of the Hispanic-American community in upstate New York is examined. Differing views of group identity emerge, and reasons for the social and educational status of the ethnic minority are presented.
White Americans' Attitudes Toward Asian Americans in Social Situations: An Empirical Examination of Potential Stereotypes, Bias, and Prejudice
Investigates the stereotypical attitudes of college students toward a variety of social situations involving Asian Americans. Examines the effects of differential labeling of Asian Americans regarding the attitudes held toward them.