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Enrollment Trends
Desegregation and Diversity: The Paradox of a Historically Black University's Successful Mission Refinement. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper
This paper explores the effects and implications of mission refinement and desegregation efforts at a historically black university by analyzing 15-year student enrollment trend data. Lincoln University, founded in 1866, is an 1890 land-grant comprehensive institution that is part of the Missouri state system of higher education.
Desegregation in a Diverse and Competitive Environment: Admissions at Lowell High School
To comply with the district desegregation plan, the San Francisco Unified School District previously required higher scores for Chinese American applicants to its academic magnet high school than for more underrepresented groups. Examines the admissions debate, suggesting that exclusion of Asian and Latino concerns in district policymaking led to a lawsuit by several Chinese parents.
Multicultural Student Statistics, Fall 1998-99. The University of Wisconsin System.
This report presents 20 tables of data on the ethnic and racial status of students at the 13 degree-granting institutions which comprise the University of Wisconsin system.
Student Statistics, Fall 1998-99. The University of Wisconsin System.
This report presents 43 tables presenting detailed data on students attending the 13 institutions which comprise the University of Wisconsin System. Data are usually broken down by individual institution and often include data from the last 10 years for trend analysis.
The 21st-Century College Student: Implications for Athletic Training Education Programs
Discusses impending demographic changes in the 21st-century college-student population, addressing implications for athletic training education programs and the profession. The paper discusses multicultural diversification and nontraditional student status, noting that 21st century higher education must offer multicultural training, flexible scheduling, accelerated programs, and practical learning experiences.