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Educational Planning
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Adult Basic Skills: Developing a Local Action Plan.
This document presents advice from the United Kingdom's Basic Skills Agency regarding developing local action plans.
Approaching Change: One School's Approach to Multicultural Education and Raising the Achievement of African Caribbean Students
Describes Holy Family College's (London) relationship with Waltham Forest's African Caribbean Attainment Project designed to identify and assess the needs of Caribbean students of African heritage and to raise their academic achievement. How the secondary school maximized the benefits of this partnership are highlighted.
Approaching Change: One School's Approach to Multicultural Education and Raising the Achievement of African Caribbean Students
Describes Holy Family College's (London) relationship with Waltham Forest's African Caribbean Attainment Project designed to identify and assess the needs of Caribbean students of African heritage and to raise their academic achievement. How the secondary school maximized the benefits of this partnership is highlighted.
Dine College Struggles to Synthesize Navajo and Western Knowledge
Discusses the 30-year struggle Navajo Community College leaders faced in developing a Navajo philosophy and education model that combines Navajo principles and values with a Western-based curriculum. Describes the 1995 implementation of Dine College's Philosophy of Education model at the Tsaile campus.
Down with School Improvement--Some Polemical Notes
Criticizes England's School Improvement Ideology (SCIMPI) campaign. It argues that SCIMPI underplays the basics of school improvement, ignores school practices that damage racial relations, place more emphasis on individual schools rather than the school system, and has clandestinely embedded within it destructive improvement practices that can further damage already disadvantaged students.
Faculty and Multicultural Education: An Analysis of the Levels of Curricular Integration within a Community College System
The United States population is projected to increase from 249 million in 1990 to 355 million by 2040, with minorities constituting more than half of the total population and a disproportionately large segment of the workforce. With changing demographics and increasing economic globalization, educational institutions will be confronted with reforming their curricula to meet new societal needs by promoting knowledge and understanding of different cultures.
Grade One and Growing: A Comprehensive Instructional Resource Guide for Teachers. Pilot Edition.
The first-grade multicultural curriculum in this guide is designed to enable teachers to create learning environments that will enable all children to develop nondiscriminatory behavior, form positive self-concepts, respect diversity of cultures, conserve the environment, foster a life-long desire for learning, and begin developing the necessary skills for school success.
Improving Minority Student Success: Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections between Theory, Research, and Academic Planning
This paper reports how multi-institutional, theoretical research influenced the design and development of intervention programs at a large, predominantly African-American community college.
Improving Minority Student Success: Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections between Theory, Research, and Academic Planning
In an effort to cross boundaries and make connections between theory, research, and academic planning, Prince George's Community College in Maryland (PGCC) and the University of Maryland University College's Institute for Research on Adults in Higher Education (IRAHE) developed a partnership using national and institutional research to link theory and academic planning.
Improving Minority Student Success: Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections between Theory, Research, and Academic Planning
In an effort to cross boundaries and make connections between theory, research, and academic planning, Prince George's Community College in Maryland (PGCC) and the University of Maryland University College's Institute for Research on Adults in Higher Education (IRAHE) developed a partnership using national and institutional research to link theory and academic planning. In doing so, both institutions developed new programs responsive to the needs of a diverse population of adult learners.
National TEEM Outreach: Transition into the Elementary Education Mainstream. Final Report
This final report describes activities of a 3-year federally supported program designed to enable school systems to establish and implement systematic transition planning to meet the multicultural needs of preschool-aged children with disabilities and their families moving into kindergarten and other general education settings.
Precollegiate Anthropology: Its Potential for the Twenty-first Century
Considers the role anthropology can play in addressing multicultural issues in education. Maintains that through the study of various cultures students can build respect and value for diversity, understand that human behavior is influenced by culture, and create an understanding of the similarity of human experiences and concerns.
President's Report on Strategic Action Areas and Initiatives, April, 2002.
This paper outlines the strategic action areas and initiatives of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) for 2002. The six action areas outlined are: (1) national and international recognition and advocacy for community colleges; (2) learning and accountability; (3) leadership development; (4) economic and workforce development; (5) connectedness across AACC membership; and (6) international and intercultural education.
Rethinking Education: Strategies for Preparing Educators To Teach in a Multicultural Society
Considers how institutions of higher learning can plan for change to prepare teachers for teaching in an increasingly multicultural society. Discusses empirical-rational, power-coercive, and normative-re-educative strategies.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
Visualizing the Vision
Presents a lesson plan that is designed to engage school staff in thinking about, developing, and sharing their conception of what it means to be a "global school." Staff is divided into small groups with an emphasis on diversity. These groups then discuss and draw illustrations of global school models.