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Educational Legislation
25 Years of Multiculturalism--Past, Present, and Future, Part 1
Reviews the implementation and early successes and failures of multicultural education in Canada. Although multicultural education was officially adopted as an educational policy in 1971, it has been reworked and revamped as problems and challenges have arisen.
President's Report to the Board of Directors
This report details the current American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) projects, publications, and legislative activities.
President's Report to the Board of Directors
This report details the current American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) projects, publications, and legislative activities.
Staying the Course in Times of Change: Preparing Teachers for Language Minority Education
Describes how passage of Proposition 227, California's initiative restricting bilingual education, has influenced teacher preparation to authorize specialized instruction for limited English proficient students. The response to Proposition 227 by San Diego State University's College of Education is explored to illustrate the reaffirmation of a commitment to educational equity and ongoing program development to support multicultural teaching.
The Politics of Multicultural Education in South Africa: Vogue, Oxymoron or Political Paralysis
Argues against using American-style multicultural education in South African higher education and suggests that transitory nation-states would first need to adopt Africentric reformism in order to recapture their value system before incorporating multiculturalism into the curriculum. The relevance of the multicultural model to South Africa and why its implementation should be deferred is discussed.