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Educational Attitudes
Intercultural Education and Literacy: An Ethnographic Study of Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in the Peruvian Amazon.
This book examines indigenous education in South America, focusing on the development of intercultural education and on an ethnographic study of educational processes and change among the Arakmbut people of the Peruvian Amazon.
Intercultural Education and Literacy: An Ethnographic Study of Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in the Peruvian Amazon. Studies in Written Language and Literacy, Volume 7
This book examines indigenous education in South America, focusing on the development of intercultural education and on an ethnographic study of educational processes and change among the Arakmbut people of the Peruvian Amazon. The Arakmbut are one of seven Harakmbut-speaking peoples who live in the Department of Madre de Dios in southeastern Peru.
Perspectivas sobre las escuelas charter: Una resena para padres de familia (Perspectives on Charter Schools: A Review for Parents). ERIC Digest
Recently, charter schools have gained popularity with parents, students, and others as alternatives to public schools, but what are charter schools and what effects are they having? This Spanish-language Digest defines charter schools and clarifies some of the administrative and legal details surrounding such schools. The Digest also lays out some of the potential benefits of and problems with charter schools, distinguishing commentary on charter schools from research on them, which is sparse.
Perspectives on Charter Schools: A Review for Parents. ERIC Digest
Recently, charter schools have gained popularity with parents, students, and others as alternatives to public schools, but what are charter schools and what effects are they having? This digest defines charter schools and clarifies some of the administrative and legal details surrounding such schools. The digest also lays out some of the potential benefits of and problems with charter schools, distinguishing commentary on charter schools from research on them, which is sparse.
Student Acceptance of a Multicultural Education: Exploring the Role of a Social Work Curriculum, Demographics, and Symbolic Racism
A study examined multicultural attitudes of social work students. Surveys of 437 undergraduates at a rural Kentucky university indicated that student acceptance of multiculturalism was influenced by gender and their own stances on White privilege and institutional racism.
What Is Good Teaching? Lessons from Maori Pedagogy
A postcolonial analysis suggests the need for a new theory of education that supports a model of genuinely bicultural education in New Zealand. Ways in which mainstream education might be enhanced by Maori pedagogies are explored through interviews with a preservice primary school teacher of Maori descent.