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Educational Attainment
Albanian Refugee Children
Uses the experience of a project working with unaccompanied refugee minors from Albania to England to describe the circumstances of these immigrants. Experience suggests that those in mainstream schools have the best chance of building a life in England.
Anglo-American and Mexican American University Students' Estimation of Value Placed on Higher Educational Attainments by Significant Persons in Their Lives
Determined the degree of value placed on higher educational attainments by academically successful fourth-year university students (N=81) from two cultural populations in American society. Results indicate that participants from both groups received a similar degree of encouragement from parents to pursue and complete university studies.
Connecting the Parts: A Hispanic/Latino Reality for Achieving More Timely Degree Completion. JSRI Working Paper No. 34
This paper examines some of the major problems and barriers faced by Hispanic/Latino youth who, despite high college enrollment rates, do not complete the four-year degree. An examination of five entering classes of Illinois college students found that only 30.2 percent of Hispanic students had completed their degrees at the end of four years, 33.8 percent were still enrolled in college, and 36 percent had dropped out.
Creating the will; Hispanics achieving educational excellence: A report to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Education and the nation
This report provides data on the current educational condition of Hispanics from early childhood through graduate and professional education. It also offers strategies for multiple sectors, parents, schools, communities, the private sector, and the government, to improve Hispanic educational achievement.
Crisis in Mong Education: Urgent Needs for Professional Development
Information on the Hmong (Mong) people living in Wisconsin, their educational background, the reasons they came to the United States, and the problems they are facing is provided. The Hmong are a closely knit ethnic group from Laos who migrated there from China in the 18th century.
Cultural Factors and the Achievement of Black and Hispanic Deaf Students
Examines cultural factors affecting black and Hispanic deaf students' achievement, discussing socioeconomic status and single parent families, parent educational levels, non-English speaking environments, inadvertent effects on the deaf child, family view of disability, and parent-school interactions. Notes strategies for developing parents as authentic partners in education and discusses how educators can bridge the educational gap.
Gender and Attainment: A Review
This report covers studies and statistics that provide information about the attainment of Scottish boys and girls by the time they leave school. The report considers their performance in public examinations, differences in attainment between boys and girls in primary and earlier secondary school, and differential staying on rates and uptake of opportunities in further and higher education with particular reference to Scotland from 1985-95.
Our Nation on the Fault Line: Hispanic American Education.
This report responds to an Executive Order that charges the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans with improving the education of Hispanic Americans through the study of current educational conditions. The study includes an analysis of the current state of Hispanic American educational attainment and points out the serious work that must be done to promote high quality education for Hispanics.
Our Nation on the Fault Line: Hispanic American Education.
This report responds to an Executive Order that charges the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans with improving the education of Hispanic Americans through the study of current educational conditions. The study includes an analysis of the current state of Hispanic American educational attainment and points out the serious work that must be done to promote high quality education for Hispanics.
Raising Ethnic Minority Attainment: The Role of Curriculum 2000
Describes the revision of the National Curriculum in England and discusses the potential of the revised curriculum for raising the achievement of ethnic minority students. The curriculum demonstrates a clear commitment to the education of minorities and includes provisions for citizenship and health education.