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Dropout Prevention
A Proposal To Improve Retention Rates of Culturally Diverse Students in the College and University Setting Using Interpreters, Go-Betweens, and Models
Dropout rates at the college and university level are much higher for students of minority cultures than for their majority culture peers. This paper suggests that the "revolving door" scenario of minority-culture college students can be stemmed by the proper use of mentoring.
Cooperative Learning in Israel's Jewish and Arab Schools: A Community Approach
Describes the creation of the cooperation, investigation, literacy, and community (CILC) model within a holistic educational project in Acre, a Jewish-Arab mixed city in northern Israel, focusing on the implementation of cooperative learning at the schools and the work of the dropout investigative task force which was created to build community in the city and prevent dropout. (SM).
Dumping Ground or Effective Alternative: Dropout-Prevention Programs in Urban Schools
Focusing on students’ perspectives, this article examines whether an urban dropout-prevention program offers students effective alternatives to regular classes or if, instead, the program is simply a dumping ground for unwanted students. Findings generated from interviews and observations suggest both.
Perceptions of Chicano/Latino Students Who Have Dropped Out of School
Reports on qualitative study of focus group interviews with Chicano/Latinos who had dropped out of school. Responses revealed themes of alienation and discrimination in the school setting.