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Curriculum Evaluation
A Review of Community College Curriculum Trends. ERIC Digest
Approximately 50 percent of all students who enter postsecondary education enroll in community colleges. Consequently, reviewing the characteristics of the community college curriculum is paramount to understanding the role these institutions play in shaping students' trajectories.
A Review of Community College Curriculum Trends. ERIC Digest
Approximately 50 percent of all students who enter postsecondary education enroll in community colleges. Consequently, reviewing the characteristics of the community college curriculum is paramount to understanding the role these institutions play in shaping students' trajectories.
A Review of Spirituality in Counselor Education
This paper presents a literature review of studies that address spirituality and religion specifically within counseling and counselor education.
A Review of Spirituality in Counselor Education
This paper presents a literature review of studies that address spirituality and religion specifically within counseling and counselor education. Results indicate that few studies examine the topic of spirituality outside of the clinical aspect of counseling, indicating that counselor education needs to consider how to educate students about spirituality.
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity? A Review of Secondary Curricula
This review examined the extent to which commercially available social skills curricula designed for adolescent populations (including those with learning and behavior problems) accommodate cultural diversity. Introductory material discusses the need for culturally responsive teaching in social skills training.
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity? A Review of Secondary Curricula
This review examined the extent to which commercially available social skills curricula designed for adolescent populations (including those with learning and behavior problems) accommodate cultural diversity. Introductory material discusses the need for culturally responsive teaching in social skills training.
Markers of Multicultural/Antibias Education
Contends that creating a program that reflects diversity and equity is an evolving process. Presents common markers whereby programs can judge individual levels on the multicultural and antibias education journey.
Multicultural Training in Psychology: New Challenges for Institutions, Instructors and Students
A growing body of creative curricular materials, intended to guide and support the multicultural training of psychologists, has been developed. To enhance these materials, a preliminary evaluation of a multicultural program was conducted in an attempt to understand how students develop into culturally competent clinicians, particularly in terms of acquiring requisite awareness, knowledge, and skills.