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Cultural Enrichment
Diversity Quilts: Promoting Multicultural Awareness
Summarizes and evaluates a project to promote multicultural awareness through the creation of a Diversity Quilt at Kansas State University. A survey of Counseling Center student participants reveals that 66% felt that their perception of other cultures had been changed through exposure to the Diversity Quilt.
From Metaphoric Landscapes to Social Reform: A Case for Holistic Curricula
Discusses two related dilemmas: (1) the tension between the Western view of historical progress and the realities of modern society; and (2) the tension between old and new approaches to teaching and learning about the arts. Argues that the end result of implementing the Goals 2000 program might diminish the teaching of the arts as discrete subjects.
Integrating the Arts: Renaissance and Reformation in Arts Education
Asserts that the general educational curriculum tends to be fragmented and compartmentalized and that this situation would be improved by curriculum integration. Argues that an interdisciplinary arts approach would require new teacher attitudes and instructional strategies.
Introducing the Music of East Africa
Explains and characterizes some of the basic concepts of East African music. Fundamentally an enhanced way of storytelling, East African music techniques are rooted in the play and rhythm of spoken language.
Multicultural Projects Index: Things To Make and Do To Celebrate Festivals, Cultures, and Holidays around the World. Second Edition
The legacies of all cultures can be found in their creations--their arts, their celebrations, and their traditions. This book is designed to help educators introduce students to the diversity of people around the world through creative, hands-on activities based on cultural traditions.
Why Not Start a Steel Band?
Suggests expanding the eclectic nature of a band program by creating a steel band, a Caribbean-based percussion ensemble. The steel band complements multicultural education and attracts students to the music program.