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Cultural Activities
Action Research and Practical Inquiry: Multicultural Content Integration in Gifted Education: Lessons from the Field
An informal survey of 71 teachers of the gifted participating in an in-service course on gifted education suggested that many teachers had goals and experiences related to multicultural curricula for gifted children. Through the survey, teachers also identified obstacles they encountered in implementing multicultural activities and benefits they perceived.
Beyond Enhancement: The Kennedy Center's Commitment to Education
Asserts that exposure to high-quality arts performances with accompanying educational experiences enlivens teaching and learning. Maintains that few schools have taken advantage of opportunities provided by arts-presenting institutions.
Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development
Multicultural education must encourage academic excellence that embraces critical skills for progressive social change. This book is guided by the philosophy of critical pedagogy, pioneered by Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire.
Joining the Canadian Tribe: Building a Pluralistic Community in a B.C. School
Immigrants often comprise most of the student body in urban Canadian schools. An elementary school in suburban Vancouver (British Columbia) provides sheltered classes and bilingual student partners for beginning English language learners.
Multicultural Projects Index: Things To Make and Do To Celebrate Festivals, Cultures, and Holidays around the World. Second Edition
The legacies of all cultures can be found in their creations--their arts, their celebrations, and their traditions. This book is designed to help educators introduce students to the diversity of people around the world through creative, hands-on activities based on cultural traditions.
The purpose of this bibliography is to aid teachers and librarians, particularly school librarians, in their endeavors to create multicultural classroom experiences for the children with whom they work. The resources listed are tools to be used for selecting materials that allow integration of multicultural education across the curriculum.
Multiculturalism and the Liberal Arts College: Faculty Perceptions of Pedagogy
This is a qualitative study of faculty perceptions of the relationship between pedagogy, liberal education, and multiculturalism. The incompatibility of liberal education and multiculturalism ground this study along with the assertion that teaching and learning are central to the liberal education mission.
Supporting Multicultural Awareness at Learning Centers
Suggests that through the integration of positive multicultural experiences and materials into common classroom activities, teachers can help ensure an understanding of these concepts and enrich children's experiences with diverse populations and subjects. (SW).
Using Art To Teach Multicultural Issues
Art education can be used to stimulate diverse ways of seeing and thinking. Through bringing about an awareness of diversity and various perspectives, art can lead students to enter into a dialog on different cultures and participate in a world where all experiences offer a richness of diversity.
Viva Mexico!
This curriculum presentation outlines how to celebrate five Mexican holidays in the classroom: Cinco de Mayo, Dia de los Muertos, Fiesta, Las Posados, and Three Kings Day. The goal is to help children learn through hands-on activities and real-life experiences.