



part of the Education Reform Networks
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Course Descriptions
A Diversity Curriculum: Integrating Attitudes, Issues, and Applications
Describes a graduate-level public administration course on valuing diversity, which provided opportunities to examine in detail the ethical dilemmas, public attitudes and values, and social consequences of compelling diversity issues. Reports on a content analysis of students' final papers, identifying common themes in students' development of competencies related to valuing diversity.
Creating an Inclusive College Curriculum: A Teaching Sourcebook from the New Jersey Project. Athene Series
This book includes a selection of essays, narratives, and syllabi from the New Jersey Project, which, since 1986, has been pioneering the statewide transformation of the college curriculum away from the androcentric and Eurocentric canon toward an inclusive, nonsexist, nonracist, and multicultural curriculum.
Cyber Diversity
A Central Michigan University course in African-American literature, attended mostly by whites, is joined by black students and their professor at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, for lectures and discussions by teleconference. Technology is the tool used for increasing diversity in the teaching/learning experience.
Integrating Media Literacy into a World Literature Course
States that to combat the media onslaught, teachers need to teach their students to be aware of, to evaluate, and to become literate in their understanding and their deployment of the media. Describes strategies used to teach a course in world literature for gifted 12th graders which uses the mass media to impart a multicultural viewpoint.
Internationalizing the Public Relations Curriculum
Discusses broadening public relations to an international level by incorporating the topics of culture, international practices, and culturally sensitive theory development. Discusses rationale, design, and execution of an undergraduate course in international public relations.
Managing Diversity: A Cooperative Course in Foreign Languages and Business
This very brief paper is a description of a business course, "Business 350 Managing Diversity," at Elmhurst College in Illinois. The course is taught in an intensive 6-day, 42-hour format.
Strength through Cultural Diversity: Developing and Teaching a Diversity Course
Describes the design of an interdisciplinary course intended to develop college students' skills in functioning both personally and professionally in a multicultural society. Concepts addressed include the systems and characteristics of culture; individual, familial, community, and cross-cultural dimensions of diversity; differences and similarities between cultures; and conflict and negotiation.