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Counselor Educators
Structured Racism, Sexism, and Elitism: A Hound That "Sure Can Hunt" (The Chronicity of Oppression)
The author recounts personal experiences with socio-politically structured racism, especially in education and religion; and the growth gained in confronting this nemesis. A career ranging from pastor to counselor to counselor educator has brought understanding of the link between religion, education, and counseling and a commitment to multicultural counseling.
Theory and Research on Stereotypes and Perceptual Bias: A Didactic Resource for Multicultural Counseling Trainers
Theories and selected research on stereotyping and cognitive automaticity are presented as a resource base for multicultural counselor educators. Three multicultural competencies are identified: (1) personal beliefs/attitudes; (2) cultural knowledge; and (3) multicultural skills.
Supervisee Multicultural Case Conceptualization Ability and Self-Reported Multicultural Competence as Functions of Supervisee Racial Identity and Supervisor Focus
Tests the hypothesis that supervisees' (N=116) multicultural case conceptualization ability and self-reported multicultural competence are functions of their racial identity and their supervisors' instruction to focus on multicultural issues. Results indicate that supervisees' racial identity was significantly related to self-reported multicultural competence.
Theory and Research on Stereotypes and Perceptual Bias: A Didactic Resource for Multicultural Counseling Trainers
Theories and selected research on stereotyping and cognitive automaticity are presented as a resource base for multicultural counselor educators. Three multicultural competencies are identified: (1) personal beliefs/attitudes; (2) cultural knowledge; and (3) multicultural skills.
Mediation and Conflict Resolution in a Multicultural Context: New Skills for Student Development Professionals
With the increase in violence over the past few decades, academic and human development practitioners have tried to better understand the dynamics of conflict and develop effective intervention and prevention strategies. There is an ever-deepening appreciation for the mediation process.
Spiritual Issues in Counseling: A New Course
Describes a course designed to explore spiritual issues that occur in counseling. Using a multicultural framework, discusses topics such as understanding spirituality, assessing clients' spiritual needs, and identifying spiritual issues in counseling.
CACD Journal, 1998-1999
This publication of the California Association for Counseling and Development for 1998-1999 supports the organizational goals of leadership, inquiry, discovery, excellence, and innovation. It attempts to identify the current issues of concern in the counseling field and to share research to help improve the professional learning community.