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Counselor Characteristics
Conceptualizing a Case of Indirect Racism Using the White Racial Identity Development Model
Describes how counselors might use a model of White racial identity development to conceptualize and treat a White client who has experienced racism directed toward his ethnic minority friend. Specific attention is paid to both the client's and the counselor's White racial statuses and how these interact within the counseling process.
Measuring Counselor Competence with Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients: Implications for Multicultural Training
This study attempted to develop psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument used to assess the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population. A sample of 287 students undergraduates, master-level and doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists were surveyed.
School Counselors' Universal-Diverse Orientation and Aspects of Their Multicultural Counseling Competence
Explores the relationship between school counselors' universal-diverse orientation (UDO) and their self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. It was hypothesized that after accounting for the number of previous multicultural counseling courses taken, school counselors' UDO would contribute significant amounts of the variance to their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness.
Supervisee Multicultural Case Conceptualization Ability and Self-Reported Multicultural Competence as Functions of Supervisee Racial Identity and Supervisor Focus
Tests the hypothesis that supervisees' (N=116) multicultural case conceptualization ability and self-reported multicultural competence are functions of their racial identity and their supervisors' instruction to focus on multicultural issues. Results indicate that supervisees' racial identity was significantly related to self-reported multicultural competence.
The Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale: Assessing Attitudes,
Skills, and Knowledge of Counselors Working With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation
Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument that
measures the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of counselors who
work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals. Internal consistency
of the SOCCS was .90, and 1-week test–retest reliability was