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Counseling Techniques
Applying a Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Training of Culturally Competent Mental Health Counselors
Claims that a cognitive-behavioral approach can help train culturally competent mental health professionals. Following the stages of intervention in cognitive therapy, culturally diverse counselors in training confront their own and others' cognitive distortions and develop a genuine sensitivity to other cultural perspectives.
Career as Story: An Introduction to the Haldane Idiographic Method of Career Assessment for Multicultural Populations
In order to take into consideration the unique experiences, background and language differences inherent among multicultural populations for the purposes of career assessment, the process must allow for the counselee to construct their own story. This paper suggests the use of Haldanes Dependable Strengths Articulation Process (DSAP) for these purposes.
Careers across America 2002: Best Practices & Ideas in Career Development Conference Proceedings (Chicago, IL, July 7-10, 2002)
This publication seeks to enhance the availability of best practices and ideas in career development. The papers included are derived from program presentations that were given at the July 2002 Careers across America conference.
Conceptualizing a Case of Indirect Racism Using the White Racial Identity Development Model
Describes how counselors might use a model of White racial identity development to conceptualize and treat a White client who has experienced racism directed toward his ethnic minority friend. Specific attention is paid to both the client's and the counselor's White racial statuses and how these interact within the counseling process.
Counseling and Mental Health Services on Campus: A Handbook of Contemporary Practices and Challenges. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
The provision of mental health counseling within student affairs in the context of a rapidly changing society, and ever broadening demands as issues such as prevention and diversity are integrated into the scope of counseling are challenged.
Counselling Immigrants: School Contexts and Emerging Strategies
Investigates strategies employed by Israeli secondary school counselors working with immigrant students from the former Soviet Union. Findings highlight the importance counselors attribute to the school context and its organizational culture when working with immigrants.
Multicultural Competencies: A Guidebook of Practices
Intended to benefit the entire counseling community, this guidebook demonstrates current multicultural competencies and successful delivery of services across the various professional counseling disciplines. Leading authorities offer concrete direction for effective multicultural counseling and reflect on what they have found to be the best practices in their specialty area.
Promoting Optimum Mental Health through Counseling: An Overview
A broad selection of topics representing important aspects of mental health counseling are presented in 56 brief articles. Part 1, "Overview: The Evolution of Mental Health Counseling," provides definition and a discussion of training and certification.
Promoting Optimum Mental Health through Counseling: An Overview
A broad selection of topics representing important aspects of mental health counseling are presented in 56 brief articles.
School Counseling: New Perspectives & Practices
School counselors need new ideas to initiate change in school counseling programs. This book presents a collection of innovative paradigms and approaches.
School Counseling: New Perspectives & Practices
School counselors need new ideas to initiate change in school counseling programs. The book contains articles on counseling Objectives,Counseling Techniques,Counselor Role and School Counseling.
Training Counselors To Work with Native American Clients
This paper discusses the history and the impact that current social conditions of Native American people has upon their education, careers, relationships, and physical and mental health, and offers suggestions about how counselors can help Native Americans improve their lives. The structure of the paper includes a brief history of some of the critical incidents in Native American history, current challenges among the Native American population, counseling implications associated with these challenges, and suggestions counselors can use to increase their cross-cultural skills in counseling, consulting, and agency development.
Training Multiculturally Competent Counselors to Work with Asian Americans. Introduction to the Special Section
Introduces a journal's special theme section on training multiculturally competent counselors. Argues that counselors who engage in multicultural counseling should possess competencies that include counselor awareness of cultural values and biases; awareness of a client's world view; and knowledge of culturally appropriate intervention strategies.