



part of the Education Reform Networks
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African American and White Adolescents' Strategies for Managing Cultural Diversity in Predominantly White High Schools
Examined 3 strategies used by 77 African American and 138 White high school students to manage cultural diversity: multicultural, separation, and assimilation strategies. Discusses results in relation to forces supporting adolescents' strategy development and the implications of strategy use for adjustment in predominantly white schools.
Building a New Life: The Role of the School in Supporting Refugee Children
Investigated refugee children's experiences adjusting to life in England. Interviews and surveys involving refugee and non-refugee children ranging from early to mid-adolescence provided data on: children, war, and persecution; flight to safety; early days in Britain; starting school; the importance of English; coping with the past; and providing support for parents.
Life & Loss: A Guide To Help Grieving Children. Second Edition
Because children experience grief in a variety of contexts, adults need a guide through the maze of thoughts and feelings that loss evokes for themselves and their children. This guide seeks to empower parents, educators, clergy, and health care professionals to handle children's loss and grief issues in an informed, open, and loving way, reducing the fear and denial often associated with these topics.
Shifting the Ground of the Familiar: Using Autobiography and Intercultural Learning in a Time of Transition
Explores the challenges of living in an unfamiliar physical and cultural environment through the concepts of complexity, self-organization, and chaos. Discusses creative resilience, composed of risk taking, reflection, and relationships, and its role in adult learning for sustainability.
Using Stories To Introduce and Teach Multicultural Literature
Discusses the importance of stories in introducing migrants to the new societies they enter. Stories allow people to reach out to past generations and provide examples of successful coping in new lives.