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Conflict Resolution
Class of 2000: The Prejudice Puzzle[SM]. A Teachers' Guide. A Presentation of National Public Radio[R] Specials Project
This teachers' guide accompanies a series of reports from National Public Radio's "Class of 2000: The Prejudice Puzzle," which was broadcast on September 9-15, 1990. The series explores the impact of prejudice on the lives of young people through several interviews from a diverse student population.
Conflict in Multiculturalism Classes: Too Much Heat or Too Little?
The issues that arise in a college course on multiculturalism can touch students very personally and may be a first opportunity for many students to talk face-to-face about important social issues. Anticipating when students may become defensive, angry, hurt, or when conflict might erupt will help faculty know when to lower or raise the temperature in the classroom.
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education: A Case Study of Multicultural Organizational Development through the Lens of Religion, Spirituality, Faith, and Secular Inclusion
Presents a case study of the University of Maryland Office of Human Relations Programs' (OHRP) efforts to confront Christian privilege and build a religiously, spiritually, faith-based, and secularly inclusive community campus-wide. Highlights four stages: rifts and tensions, reconnecting, reconceptualization, and realization.
Internal Mediation Services: Conflict Management in a Multicultural Higher Education Environment
Discussion of intercultural conflicts among college and university faculty and staff looks at the role of internal mediation services, focusing on steps that should be followed by the mediator, mediator attributes contributing to successful resolution, and the importance of mediators and human resource professionals developing an awareness of intercultural differences that are often the root cause of conflict. (Author/MSE).
Tensions: Ten Great Books about Cultural Encounters
Offers brief descriptions of 10 books for children and adolescents in which characters attempt to sort out the cultural conflicts that result when cultures meet. (SR).
The Schoolyard as a Stage: Missing Cultural Clues in Symbolic Fighting
Investigates how social conflict was enacted at one racially diverse, urban middle school. Discusses symbolic fighting, the use of body language, the location of symbolic fighting, and symbolic fighting as a source of transformation, proposing to redefine the socializing role of social conflict in the lives of students and adults in schools.