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Creating Culturally Relevant Holiday Curriculum: A Negotiation
Describes the holiday celebration of Dia de los Muertos at Pacific Oaks Children's School in Los Angeles. Considers the decision to celebrate the holiday, preparation for the celebration, its place in the curriculum, its relationship to Halloween, adult conflicts related to personal religious values, children's misunderstanding of the rituals, and conflict maintenance.
Literacy, Dialogue, and Difference in the "Electronic Contact Zone."
Discusses a first-year writing class composed of both Hispanic-American and Anglo students, arguing that rather than regarding online conflicts between students as mere "flaming," such conflicts can be seen as a way of helping students develop as literate citizens more aware of difference. (SR).
Of Kwanzaa, Cinco de Mayo, and Whispering: The Need for Intercultural Education
Multicultural education can improve understandings among students of different ethnic groups only if it is implemented systematically. Research with 75 adolescent mothers in an inner-city California high school shows how the celebration of Kwanzaa leads to exclusion and isolation and the speaking of Spanish results in conflict and resentments.
Tensions: Ten Great Books about Cultural Encounters
Offers brief descriptions of 10 books for children and adolescents in which characters attempt to sort out the cultural conflicts that result when cultures meet. (SR).
Un-Separate and Still Unequal? Three Books about American Education and Race at the End of the Liberal Century [Book Review]
Three recent books from different contexts bring new attention to the issues of race and education in the United States. These books are helpful to those considering the reasons for the underachievement of African-American students in the United States at the end of the 20th century.