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College Instruction
Creating an Inclusive College Curriculum: A Teaching Sourcebook from the New Jersey Project. Athene Series
This book includes a selection of essays, narratives, and syllabi from the New Jersey Project, which, since 1986, has been pioneering the statewide transformation of the college curriculum away from the androcentric and Eurocentric canon toward an inclusive, nonsexist, nonracist, and multicultural curriculum.
Evaluation of an Intervention To Change Attitudes Toward Date Rape
Describes the design and evaluates effectiveness of a program at a private college to change freshman (n=615) attitudes about date rape and sexual assault. Intervention for the experimental group involved viewing a play performed by students; the control group viewed an alternative play addressing multicultural issues.
Multicultural Education: Strategies for Implementation in Colleges and Universities. Volume 4
The 21 essays of this book discuss strategies for implementing multicultural education at the higher education level, especially in Illinois.
Teaching through Diversity
Argues that one of the richest vehicles for enhancing students' classroom learning is the diversity of the student body itself. Integrating diversity into the classroom process also increases motivation and facilitates development of social, cognitive, and communication skills necessary for today's multicultural workforce.
The Chicago Handbook for Teachers: A Practical Guide to the College Classroom
This book is designed to offer practical advice to beginning, as well as experienced, teachers of college courses on navigating many of the common challenges faced both in and outside the classroom.
The Culture Wars on Two Fronts: Curriculum and Financing
A college professor who sometimes appears as a guest on a local radio call-in program discussing contemporary higher education, talks about the nature of the changes occurring in the college curriculum and student population, multicultural education, teaching styles and objectives, trends in access to a college education, and the financial crisis facing colleges and universities. (MSE).
The One-Minute Paper: Enhancing Discussion in a Multicultural Seminar
The teacher of a college seminar on education in contemporary American society, addressing sensitive personal and political concepts, used one-minute essays to "take the pulse" of the class daily. Daily summaries of essay content provided students with evidence of the teacher's commitment to monitoring the process, added a level of discourse, and provided feedback about individual and collective direction.