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From La Belle Sauvage to the Noble Savage: The Deculturalization of Indian Mascots in American Culture
Discusses the exploitation of Indian (Native-American) mascots as an issue of educational equity, outlining for the United States educator the ways in which the use of mascots is racist and ways in which education can be a tool for liberation. The use of Indian mascots teaches that racism is acceptable.
Identity Formation and the Processes of "Othering": Unraveling Sexual Threads
Discusses the extent to which the processes of "othering" (marking and naming those considered different from oneself) fall into the physical and sexual realm. The paper examines three studies, highlighting the extent to which othering is sexual, naming and exploring what it means for current school practice in multicultural environments.
Multicultural Education: Minorities in the Athletic and Academic Arenas
The academic accomplishments of minorities are not as well known as their athletic accomplishments. In the new millennium, the barriers that limit the expression of true academic acumen of women, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans must be minimized.
Women of Color: Perspectives within the Profession
To effectively interact with their students, leaders and teachers in sport and physical activity must be familiar with their students' cultural backgrounds. This collection of articles discusses how women of color deal with and have been affected by their racial and ethnic identities in relationship to physical activity and sport.