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Annotated Bibliographies
Bridging Differences of Time, Place, and Culture Using Children's and Young Adult Literature
Focuses on the use of children's and young adult literature in the social studies classroom, addressing the New York state standards at the third- to sixth-grade levels. Provides an annotated bibliography of books that can be utilized in areas, such as U.S.
International Early Childhood Resources from ERIC
Presents annotated bibliography of recent ERIC documents/journal articles providing international early-childhood resources. Topics of documents include day care and infant attachment, multicultural child care, drug-use prevention, and early language learning.
Making Connections: Literature as a Basis for Multiple Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Education. Revised Edition.
This booklet presents a description of Making Connections, a multicultural core curriculum program, and a list of recommended literature for interdisciplinary units. The first section discusses materials, using the Making Connections program, integrating relevant content areas, the stages of the research process, assessment, and making connections using the historical novel "Friedrich.".
Many People, Many Places, Other Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Books for 3- to 8-Year-Olds
Cites 99 recently published fiction, folklore, and nonfiction books for 3- to 8-year olds that illustrate a broad interpretation of multiculturalism and include positive and accurate portrayals of various ethnic or religious groups. A brief synopsis is given for each book, along with publication information.
Mosaics (Children's Books)
Presents brief annotations of 49 illustrated children's books, categorized into the following groupings: multicultures, odds and ends, solutions, animals, individuals, celebrations, and settings. (SR).
Multiethnic Children's Literature. Book Review
Reviews a guide to children's literature for and about Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Suggests ways to improve the book's usefulness, including a more global perspective, more rigorous research about specific cultural references, and better student activities.
Tradition and Story: Intergenerational Ties of Past to Present
This 32-item annotated bibliography details picture books, realistic fiction, poetry, and biographies (most of which were published in 1994) that deal with intergenerational relationships. Each entry in the bibliography indicates the literary genre and recommended age level of the book.
Young Children Learn about Immigrants to the United States
Describes a program at an inner-city day care and after-school program (Brooklyn, New York) designed to help children express, share, and take pride in their family cultures, and to respond to increasing hostility toward new immigrant groups. Includes an annotated bibliography of resources for teaching about immigrants to the United States.