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A Validity Study of Scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure Based on a Sample of Academically Talented Adolescents
Examined the validity of scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (J. Phinney, 1992) on a group of 275 academically talented adolescents at an enrichment program.
Bayanihan: Providing Effective Counseling Strategies with Children of Filipino Ancestry
Provides a psychocultural profile for persons of Filipino ancestry so as to increase awareness, understanding, and sensitivity for the mental health needs of these youth, from primary school to college. Discusses the implications of these cultural factors and presents suggestions for counseling this diverse population.
Children of War: A Curriculum
Emphasizes the importance of examining the position of children in war as they provide insight into the conflicts themselves that cannot be attained elsewhere. Presents a secondary curriculum entitled "Children of War" designed to promote an understanding of the phenomenon of children in war from multiple perspectives, including sociocultural, historical, and personal.
Culturally Competent Services: Bibliography of Materials from the NCEMCH Library.
Culled from the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health reference collection, this list contains 186 materials which focus on assessing current services for cultural sensitivity, developing culturally competent services, or providing services in a multicultural health care context.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Making Invisible Latino Adolescents Visible: A Critical Approach to Latino Diversity. Michigan State University Series on Children, Youth, and Families, Volume 7
The papers in this collection explore a variety of economic and social issues facing Latino adolescents, including those of Latino diversity or unity, sexuality, and family values. The authors discuss ways to respond to these issues, suggesting approaches that can contribute to the healthy development of Latino adolescents.
The Gangstas in Our Midst
While conducting this ethnography on 50 male African-American gang members, I sought to create a picture of the culture in which these young men existed. Over a two-year period, I observed and interviewed members from such groups as the Bloods, Crips, and the Blackstone Rangers in order to uncover the values, language, and rituals that defined membership in a gang, as well as the reasons why these males joined these groups in the first place.
Why Pick on Me? School Exclusion and Black Youth
This book examines school exclusion in the United Kingdom, particularly the exclusion of black males, using data from the author's experience as an advisory teacher for multicultural education and from four studies of black students. The book highlights school-related determinants of young people's life chances.