part of the Education Reform Networks
Exploring the Game of "Julirde": A Mathematical-Educational Game Played by Fulbe Children in Cameroon
Presents an educational mathematical activity from Africa. Shows how one child explored the game of Julirde, a game of the mosque emphasizing problem solving and symmetry. Offers several suggestions for exploring the game from the central African country of Cameroon in the elementary school mathematics classroom. (ASK)
Contributor: Gerdes, Paulus
Date Published: Feb
Journal/Secondary Title: Teaching Children Mathematics
Notes: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to this publication. Libraries worldwide that own item: 1397 UNIV OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
ISSN: 1073-5836
Focus issue: Mathematics and Culture.
Journal Article (CIJE)
052 Guides--Classroom--Teacher; 080 Journal Articles
Number: 6
Volume: 7
Year: 2001
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