part of the Education Reform Networks
International Early Childhood Resources from ERIC
Presents annotated bibliography of recent ERIC documents/journal articles providing international early-childhood resources. Topics of documents include day care and infant attachment, multicultural child care, drug-use prevention, and early language learning. Journal article topics include very able preschoolers, children's causality beliefs, comparisons of early-childhood programs in five countries, and early-childhood practices in East Berlin. (Author/KB)
Contributor: ERIC
Date Published: Oct
Journal/Secondary Title: International Journal of Early Years Education
Notes: Check the catalogs in your library. Libraries worldwide that own item: 25 Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
ISSN: 0966-9760
Journal Article (CIJE)
071 Information Analyses--ERIC IAPs; 080 Journal Articles
Number: 3
Volume: 7
Year: 1999
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