part of the Education Reform Networks
"Critical Perspectives on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge," edited by Jeanne Ellsworth and Lynda Ames. Book Review
Describes Ellsworth and Ames' edited book as an eclectic collection including historical, ethnographic, autobiographical, empirical, and self-reflective texts. Maintains that although the book is an important contribution to the literature by placing current practices into historical and social context, thereby leading to a more critical view of the revered program, the work omits an economic view. (Author/KB)
Contributor: Ceglowski, Deborah
Journal/Secondary Title: Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Notes: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to this publication. Libraries worldwide that own item: 573 UNIV OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
ISSN: 0885-2006
Journal Article (CIJE)
072 Book/Product/Reviews; 080 Journal Articles
Number: 1
Volume: 17
Year: 2002
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