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Early Childhood Literacy: Programs & Strategies To Develop Cultural, Linguistic, Scientific and Healthcare Literacy for Very Young Children & their Families, 2001 Yearbook

This yearbook recounts the work in 2001 at the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) at Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi. Rather than an "elitist" laboratory school for the children of university faculty, the ECDC is a collaboration between the Corpus Christi Independent

  • Contributor: Cassidy, Jack
  • Author's address: Center for Educational Development, Evaluation and Research, Early Childhood Development Center, 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 ($10). Tel: 361-825-5611; Fax: 361-825-3377.
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. English ISBN: 0-9718442-0-8 For individual chapters, see PS 030 592-605. Document (RIE) 010 Books; 020 Collected Works--General EDRS: EDRS Price MF01/PC09 Plus Postage.
  • Year: 2002

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