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Dimensions of the Community College: International, Intercultural, and Multicultural Perspectives. Garland Studies in Higher Education, Volume 6. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Volume 1075

This two-part monograph provides a theoretical and practical analysis of intercultural and multicultural education programs.

  • Author/Creator: Raby, Rosalind Latiner
  • Author's address: Garland Publishing Inc., 717 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2500, New York, NY 10022-8101 ($40).
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. English ISBN: 0-8153-1343-8 Document (RIE) 010 Books; 141 Reports--Descriptive EDRS: Document Not Available from EDRS.
  • Year: 1996

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