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Institutional Characteristics
Comer Schools: Are They Recognizable Through Direct Observation?
"The Comer School Development Program is a school reform model that, in full implementation, creates positive school climate. The research has confirmed that this can be observed.
Comer Schools: Are They Recognizable Through Direct Observation?
"The Comer School Development Program is a school reform model that, in full implementation, creates positive school climate. The research has confirmed that this can be observed.
Community Colleges as Cultural Texts: Qualitative Explorations of Organizational and Student Culture. SUNY Series, Frontiers in Education
This book, part of the Frontiers in Education series from the State University of New York, depicts community colleges as "cultural texts," addressing the question of whether, and how, community colleges confront the challenges of diversity and provide equal opportunities for upward mobility.
Dimensions of the Community College: International, Intercultural, and Multicultural Perspectives. Garland Studies in Higher Education, Volume 6. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Volume 1075
This two-part monograph provides a theoretical and practical analysis of intercultural and multicultural education programs.
Dimensions of the Community College: International, Intercultural, and Multicultural Perspectives. Garland Studies in Higher Education, Volume 6. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Volume 1075
This two-part monograph provides a theoretical and practical analyses of intercultural and multicultural education programs.
From Theory to Practice: An Analysis of Multicultural Education in an American Pacific Island University
This study explored multicultural education at a minority university in the Pacific, the University of Guam. The study represented Phase 2 of a research project that began in 1999 with the goal of further understanding the practice of multicultural pedagogy in higher education.
High-Performing Schools Serving Mexican American Students: What They Can Teach Us. ERIC Digest
A study examined the characteristics of successful schools along the Texas-Mexico border, where high percentages of students were Mexican American, came from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and had limited English proficiency.
High-Performing Schools Serving Mexican American Students: What They Can Teach Us. ERIC Digest
A study examined the characteristics of successful schools along the Texas-Mexico border, where high percentages of students were Mexican American, came from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and had limited English proficiency. Three elementary schools, three middle schools, and three high schools were selected on the basis of the following criteria: enrollment of at least 66.6 percent Mexican American students, above-average standardized test scores on the Texas state assessment system, and state or national recognition.
Mexican Immigrants in Middle Schools: Diversity, Organizational Structure and Effectiveness
The Spanish speaking Mexican immigrant population accounts for the fastest growing population in California, where one in six students is an immigrant. This study utilized organizational theory to relate school characteristics such as interdependence, coordination, and information processing to working with immigrant students.
The black schools.
Describes the relevance of the High School & Beyond data set for educational researchers in the United States. Similarities and differences between black schools and white schools on ethnic segregation, facilities, financing, teacher composition, teacher quality, curriculum, school discipline, and educational achievement.