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part of the Education Reform Networks

Teens Working: Turning Earning into Learning. Facilitator Guide [and] Critical Workplace Issues [and] Student Guide.

Link: (Facilitator Guide $11.85; Student Guide $6.75; Critical Workplace Issues $9.30; Set of 3 $23.00, prepaid).

These guides are part of a toolkit designed to help young people make connections between the jobs they now hold, the classes they are taking, and the goals they may have for the near and distant future. The guides contain a variety of materials and activities appropriate for all skill levels. The activities in the student guide are grounded in the principles of the federal SCANS (Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) and All Aspects of the Industry studies.

  • Author/Creator: Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR. Education, Career, and Community Program
  • Author's address: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Publications, 101 SW Main, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97204. Tel: 503-275-9500
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Year: 2000

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