part of the Education Reform Networks
Promoting Cultural Awareness and the Acceptance of Diversity through the Implementation of Cross-Cultural Activities
An action research project implemented a program for developing tolerance through increased cultural awareness. Targeted population consisted of third grade and high school students in a rural, middle class community in western Illinois. The problem of lack of cultural awareness was documented through standardized test scores and student and teacher survey data. Analysis of probable cause data revealed that students were not exposed to teachers or students from different ethnic backgrounds.
Author/Creator: Keime, Susan, Landes, Melissa, Rickertsen, Gwenn, Wescott, Nicol
Date Published: 05-00
Notes: Connect to the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Master of Arts Action Research Project, Saint Xavier University and SkyLight Professional Development Field-Based Master's Program.
Document (RIE)
040 Dissertations/Theses
EDRS: EDRS Price MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Year: 2002
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