



part of the Education Reform Networks
State Policies
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress; Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance; Comments from Darling-Hammond.
Educational renewal: Better teachers, better schools
This book provides the vision and rationale for "centers of pedagogy" that can bring schools and universities together in a close, renewing relationship. It proposes a redesign of education that is grounded in a mission of enculturating students in a social and political democracy.
Attrition/retention of special education teachers: Critique of current research and recommendations for retention efforts
Literature review of attrition problem and suggestions for further comprehensive study Investigative efforts need to examine teacher preparation, teacher demographics, conditions of the workplace, and district and state policies.
Teaching and knowledge:Policy issues posed by alternative certification for teachers
Assesses the design and potential outcomes of alternate route teacher certification programs, noting their perspectives and assumptions about teaching knowledge, teacher preparation, and the relationship to student learning. Alternate routes will be considered successful to the extent that they improve teacher preparation while working in concert with state policies.