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Youth Programs
Report on the International Training Course for Roma/Gypsy Youth Leaders. European Youth Center of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2-14 March 1999.
Activities on behalf of Roma/Gypsies have always been an important part of the Council of Europe's minority protection policy. The topics discussed are how more training opportunities can be provided for young Roma people and other ways to support and promote their participation in society.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.