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Talent Development
Curricular Modifications, Family Outreach, and a Mentoring Program: Impacts on Achievement and Gifted Identification in High-Risk Primary Students
A study investigated the efficacy of specific interventions (mentoring, parental involvement, and multicultural curricula) on academic achievement of 273 elementary students from low-socioeconomic environments. The interventions had no statistically significant effect on student achievement in any grade.
Reversing Underachievement among Gifted Black Students: Promising Practices and Programs. Education and Psychology of the Gifted Series
This book focuses on the psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence the achievement of black youth who are gifted or potentially gifted, the prevention of underachievement, and appropriate interventions in cases of underachievement. The roles that families, educators, peers, and students themselves must play in promoting the academic, psychological, and socioemotional well being of these students are emphasized.
Reversing Underachievement among Gifted Black Students: Promising Practices and Programs. Education and Psychology of the Gifted Series
This book focuses on the psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence the achievement of black youth who are gifted or potentially gifted, the prevention of underachievement, and appropriate interventions in cases of underachievement. The roles that families, educators, peers, and students themselves must play in promoting the academic, psychological, and socioemotional well-being of these students are emphasized.