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Student Personnel Workers
American College Personnel Association Strategic Initiative on Multiculturalism: A Report and Proposal
Details the work of a task force charged with developing initiatives to integrate multicultural concerns into both higher education and a professional association. Outlines historical roots of the effort, lists goals, and proposes initiatives to enhance multiculturalism.
Promoting Multicultural Education: A Holistic Approach
Discusses the efforts by many of the major student affairs professional associations to develop training and teaching methods that will prepare practitioners for the changing student populations on university campuses. Article summarizes the critical multicultural objectives from the most recent student affairs philosophy statements and applies theory to practice from a holistic perspective.
Student Affairs Core Competencies: Integrating Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
Reports on selected aspects of the multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary for effective student affairs practice. Focuses on student affairs core competencies, multicultural competencies in student affairs, and implications of multicultural competencies in student affairs.
Voicing Differences: Encouraging Multicultural Learning
Student-affairs graduate students (N=70) adopted a "voice," other than their own, for a semester. Journal entries reveal steps the students took in learning to see through the eyes of individuals different from themselves.