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State Standards
A Guide to Curriculum Planning in Social Studies
Social studies is concerned with developing reflective, democratic citizenship within a global context, and includes the disciplines typically classified as belonging to the social and behavioral sciences as well as history, geography, and content selected from law, philosophy, and the humanities. It also includes those topics that focus on social problems, issues, and controversies.
A Review of Research on the Kentucky Education Reform Act 1995 (KERA).
This review of research identifies, reviews, and summarizes studies that address the implementation of the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990 (KERA) and that focus on the effects of the reforms on students, teachers, and other stakeholders. Introductory summary overviews are included in the areas of finance, governance, and curriculum, and on three areas that are receiving much current attention: assessment and accountability, the primary program, and the need for professional development.
A Review of Research on the Kentucky Education Reform Act 1995 (KERA).
This review of research identifies, reviews, and summarizes studies that address the implementation of the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990 (KERA) and that focus on the effects of the reforms on students, teachers, and other stakeholders.
Arts Curriculum Framework: The Practice of Creating. Curriculum Framework. Corp Author(s): Massachusetts State Dept. of Education, Boston
This curriculum framework presents a philosophy of arts education, synthesizes current research, and sets learning standards for students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The curriculum framework's core concept is that experience in the creative process is essential for all learners, and that, in the arts, this process involves solving problems with skill and imagination, discovering new questions, ideas, and objects, or interpretations of existing works.
Bridging Differences of Time, Place, and Culture Using Children's and Young Adult Literature
Focuses on the use of children's and young adult literature in the social studies classroom, addressing the New York state standards at the third- to sixth-grade levels. Provides an annotated bibliography of books that can be utilized in areas, such as U.S.
States' Requirements for Teachers' Preparation for Diversity
Investigated the state teacher licensure requirements regarding diversity among the 50 states and District of Columbia. Overall, 67 percent of respondents required some level of diversity preparation in their teacher preparation programs, though specific requirements varied greatly from state to state.