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Standardized Tests
African American Giftedness: Our Nation's Deferred Dream
Addresses issues that have perpetuated the underrepresentation of African Americans in gifted and talented programs, which include: inadequate definitions, standardized testing, nomination procedures, learning style preferences, family and peer influences, screening and identification, and gifted underachievers. Concludes by discussing alternative theories of giftedness and the implementation of multicultural education in teacher education programs.
Parents’ Thinking about Standardized Tests and Performance Assessments
Parental attitudes about standardized tests and performance assessments were studied through interviews with 60 parents or parent dyads in schools involved in a project to develop new assessments and through questionnaires completed by parents from control schools. Parent approval of standardized tests did not imply disapproval of performance assessment.
Why Standardized Tests Threaten Multiculturalism
Oregon's statewide social-studies assessment (a randomized, multiple-choice maze) is part of a "democratic" national standards movement that threatens good teaching and multicultural studies. If multiculturalism's key goal is accounting for historical influences on current social realities, then Oregon's standards and tests earn a failing grade.