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Black English in a Place Called Waterloo
For many black students, the school language differs significantly from the home language, but preservice education rarely examines this issue. This article examines implications for teaching children who use two different forms of language to navigate the demands of their contrasting sociolinguistic speech communities, discussing: how teacher attitudes and knowledge affect practice; dual language demands; ebonics; and language as power.
Students as Researchers of Culture and Language in Their Own Communities. Language & Social Processes [Series]
This book presents new directions in classroom education generated by using ethnography and sociolinguistics as teaching tools, the theory behind these efforts, and the classroom practices involved. The chapters are organized to highlight three issues of recent concern to K-12 educators: how student ethnographic and sociolinguistic research can be used to enhance academic learning and writing, to supplant or enhance the study of language in the traditional language arts curriculum, and to link with social action for improving students' lives and communities.