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Social Work
Assembling Pieces in the Diversity Puzzle: A Field Model
Offers a model of social-work education that infuses multicultural content into the field curriculum and enhances faculty diversity. One school's field-practice seminars integrate diversity training by pairing community facilitators with faculty facilitators to increase instructors' awareness of diversity; offering ongoing workshops to train facilitators to address diversity issues; and conscious inclusion of diversity content into seminar curriculum.
Culture and Professional Education: The Experiences of Native American Social Workers
A qualitative survey explored the professional educational experiences of 63 Native American social workers and social work students. Most respondents identified the need for more cultural content in the curriculum, personal struggles experienced in pursuing an education grounded in Anglo cultural norms, but also available supports, especially other Native Americans.
Effective Education Social Work with Travellers Living in Houses
Describes and analyzes education social work with Travellers (nomads), highlighting how both practical support and skilled emotional help are required. Neither practical nor emotional assistance can effectively be offered without an understanding of societal, ethnic, and cultural context.
Influences of Ethnicity, Interracial Climate, and Racial Majority in School on Adolescent Ethnic Identity
Study examines the ethnic identity development of 252 adolescents. Analyses reveal that being a member of an ethnic minority group and interracial climate accounted for the greatest variance in ethnic identity development.
Multicultural Content and Class Participation: Do Students Self-Censor?
Through survey and focus group data, examined student discomfort in social work courses, reasons for self-censorship, and solutions to self-censorship. Found that general classroom factors (being too shy or being unprepared), not political correctness, were more likely to be reasons for self-censorship.
Multicultural Content in Social Work Graduate Programs: A National Survey
A national survey of 45 faculty and 75 deans and directors of graduate-level multicultural social work programs found that there was heavy reliance on traditional teaching methods; an increasing number of groups and topics were being covered; coursework was poorly linked to field practicum experience; and teacher attitudes were associated with ethnic and racial background. Contains 80 references.
Preventing Substance Abuse from Undermining Permanency Planning: Competencies at the Intersection of Culture, Chemical Dependency, and Child Welfare
Understanding the overlap between culture, race, substance misuse, and maltreatment is central to implementing better permanent plans for children and their families. Examines the intersection of these areas and presents a typology of five competency areas for culturally relevant substance abuse knowledge, attitudes, and skills to strengthen permanency planning and family continuity for children of color.
The Development of a New Zealand Tertiary Qualification in Adventure Based Social Work
This paper describes the development of an adventure therapy qualification, the Certificate in Social Work (Activity Based), at Waiariki Polytechnic, New Zealand. New Zealand has an extensive range of outdoor opportunities, and a large percentage of the population is involved in outdoor activities.
Using an Interactive Website To Educate about Cultural Diversity and Societal Oppression
Describes use of an interactive Web forum to provide a safe vehicle for social work students to dialogue concerning the dynamics of social oppression and cultural diversity. Analyzes usage patterns of the website and data from student evaluations.