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Social Problems
Beyond Internationalization: Multicultural Education in the Professional Writing Contact Zone
Makes a case for multiculturalism in professional communication studies by examining how international issues have influenced a move from an instrumental to a social orientation. Argues that although multiculturalism in professional communication aligns it with composition studies, it also brings a range of pedagogical, practical, and ethical challenges similar to those faced by composition instructors.
Combating Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust
Maintains that the Holocaust was the catalyst for Canadian antihate legislation. Maintains that, to combat racism and bigotry, it is necessary to use three important tools: (1) the law; (2) community action; and (3) education.
Fugitive Cultures: Race, Violence, and Youth
This book examines the racist and sexist assault on today's youth which is being played out in the realms of popular and children's culture. The book interrogates the aesthetic of violence in a number of public arenas--talk radio, Disney animation, and in such films as "Pulp Fiction," "Kids," "Slackers," and "Juice,"--and challenges cultural workers and other progressives to help reverse the attack on those who are most powerless in American society, children and adolescents.
Global Connections: Where Am I? How Did I Get Here? Where Am I Going?
Presents a series of questions designed to provoke students to think about their location in the world, the effect of global connections on their local culture, and current global problems and their implications. Includes Internet contact information for some United Nations agencies that provide information useful to students.
Video-conferencing for Collaborative Educational Inquiry
Profiles a series of video conferences that examined the effects of European settlement on the art of Aboriginal peoples in Australia and the cultural conflicts facing contemporary Aboriginal artists. The video conferences brought together Aboriginal artists and Canadian educators.
What the Russian School Ought to Be Like
Asserts that Russian society and Russian schools are going through a profound crisis. Maintains that the best approach to solving social and educational problems is to restore and develop national principles and group cohesion.