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First Things First: Selecting Repertoire
Presents three principles of repertoire selection: (1) select music of good quality; (2) select music that is teachable; and (3) select music that is appropriate to the context. Discusses how repertoire selection relates to the National Standards for Music Education.
Leading Young Children to Music. Fifth Edition
This manual is designed for music and classroom teachers of children from infancy to age eight. All musical experiences lead to learning, from the simplest rhythmic experiences of being rocked to sleep to the more sophisticated challenge of playing one rhythmic pattern while singing another.
More Than Singing: Discovering Music in Preschool and Kindergarten
This book contains over 100 music activities to help teachers, child care providers, and parents bring the joy, theory, and practice of music to young children. An introductory chapter is followed by chapters on songs, rhythm, instruments, music centers, movement, music throughout the day, and group times.